Knowledge Base

How Do I View Student Code?

Teachers using CoderZ can view the code their students have written in missions, via the Heat Maps!

To do so:

  1. Navigate to the "My Classes" tab
  2. Hover over the class in which the student is enrolled and click the ‘Class Overview’ button:
  3. Select the course that includes the mission for which you want to view the student's code:
  4. In the Heat Map, click the tile for the student and mission you want to check:
  5. In the window that pops up, click the View Code button:

A viewing panel will open showing the student's solution. Teachers can move between students using the Prev. student and Next links next to the student's name, as well as move between this student's code in other packs and missions using the dropdown:

Clicking the 'Open' link will take you directly to the mission and embed the student’s solution in the Code Editor so that you can view their work. You can run the student's code to see how it works. This works whether the solution is finished or in progress. 

Note: this will take you out of the Heat Map.



To return to the Heat Map, click the "Back to Classes" button at the top-right:



See also:

Class Heat Maps

How Do I Monitor Student Work?

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