Knowledge Base

CoderZ League Group Stage

On October 24, the Group Stage will begin. This is the second stage of CoderZ League (For Novice and Pro divisions).

Once the Group stage opens, you will see the overall score in the "Overall" tab on the Leaderboard.


Who Advances to the Group Stage?

The top 64 teams with the highest overall score in the preliminaries move on to the next stage of the competition.

Note: Even if your team didn't make it to the Group Stage, you still have full access to all the new content until the League concludes on January 12th, 2023.

Your Task

In this stage, teams will play the Final Challenge against CoderZ’s bot 🤖 Note that this version of the final challenges is harder than the one you played in the Preliminaries.

In this stage, every team will be placed in a group of 4 teams, of which only the top 2 will move on to the Region Finals. The decision of which team goes to which group is decided by the seeding from the Preliminaries, meaning that the higher you placed in the Preliminaries, the better group you will have in the group stage.

Teams, your task is to achieve the highest possible score against the bot in order to make sure you are among the top 2 teams of your group. Any team member can play against the bot, but only the top score counts, so work together to make one great solution 💪🏻


Good Luck!


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