Knowledge Base

Turn Block (Adventure)

output-onlinepngtools__231_.pngspike_robot.jpgThis block works for EV3, SPIKE Prime, and Zappy! zappi1.png


The Turn block turns the robot left or right. You can choose the two directions from the drop-down menu.

Expanding the Turn Block to include Angles

If you want to turn (either left or right) to a specific angle, you can expand the Turn block and add an 'Angle' parameter. Here's how:

1. Click the blue wheel icon
2. Select 'set Angle'
3. Drag a number block from the Data menu and snap it to the 'Angle' parameter
4. Type in the angle to turn to. Make sure to use positive/negative values as necessary.



Expanding the Turn Block to include Radius

If you want the robot to drive in an arc/smooth turn (rather than turning on the spot) in a specific radius, you can expand the Turn block and add a 'Radius' parameter as well. Here's how:

1. Click the blue wheel icon
2. Select 'set Radius'
3. Drag a number block from the Data menu and snap it to the 'Radius' parameter
4. Type in the radius to turn to.
Note: if you want the robot to turn at an angle that is anything other than the default 90 degrees, you'll need to include an angle parameter as well. 

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