On certain computers when a mission is loaded, the simulation may not be visible to the right of the coding section, while the score/timer and other HUD elements are visible, as seen in this example below:
First of all, check that your Chrome Browser is the most updated version. Check by clicking the Browser menu and selecting 'Help' > 'About Google Chrome'
If your browser is the most up to date version, there are several possible ways to fix the issue of the black screen. If one doesn't work, try the next one.
Note: You do not need to be logged into CoderZ to perform these steps, however you may be restricted by your local IT department, and would need to contact them if that is the case.
Option 1 - Reset all to default
Option 2 - Hardware Acceleration
Option 3 - Chrome Angle Settings
Option 1 - Reset all to default
1) Open a new Chrome tab and type the following in the address bar:
A page labeled 'Experiments' will load, with a search box along the top:
2) Click the 'Reset all to default' button next to the search box:
3) Relaunch Chrome.
If this doesn't work, go on to option 2:
Option 2 - Hardware Acceleration
1) Type the following in the address bar:
2) Navigate to the bottom of the page and click 'Advanced'
3) Navigate to System, and make sure the following options are toggled ON:
Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
Use hardware acceleration when available
4) If Chrome prompts to Relaunch, do so.
If this doesn't work, go on to option 3:
Option 3 - Chrome Angle Settings
1) Navigate back to
2) Type the following into the search box:
As you type, the results will automatically filter down to one option that reads:
You will notice a drop-down menu to the right of this result that may be set to Default
3) From the drop-down menu, choose D3D11.
Note: if D3D11 is not available, try D3D9. Otherwise, please ask your teacher to contact us as your computer may not meet the minimum computer specifications.
4) After you choose D3D11, Chrome will display a notification along the bottom alerting you that this change will not take effect until you restart Chrome, along with a 'Relaunch' button. Click it.
If this doesn't work, go on to option 4:
Option 4 - Platform Update
For Windows 7, click this link and follow the instructions on the page.
For Windows 10, click this link . If you see an option to update Windows 10, click the Update now button:
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