The first stage of CoderZ League is called the Preliminaries.
In the Preliminaries, the teams complete a series of missions and challenges to gain points.
Teams complete two types of activities in the group stage: Missions and Challenges.
Missions award up to 100 points for every student completing them. Challenges grant points depending on the standing of the team on the leaderboard for that challenge.
To learn more about the Preliminaries and how they’re scored, please refer to the User Guide.
Stages of the Preliminaries
Who Advances to the Next Stage?
The top 64 teams from every region in Junior and Pro divisions, move onto the next stage, named “The Group Stage”. In case a region has less than 64 teams, all teams move on to the group stage.
For the Novice division, the preliminaries is the final stage of the competition and the winners will be decided based on their performance in the preliminaries.
Final Notes
The Preliminaries are the longest part of the competition and have a big impact on what the rest of the competition will look like for the teams. We advise you to involve as many students as possible in this stage in order to have them prepared for the rest of the competition.
All Missions and Challenges stay available throughout the whole competition, even if a team moves onto the next stage or gets knocked out. For Novice teams however, the competition ends at the end of Preliminaries
Good Luck!
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