Knowledge Base

How Can I Control the Camera in Simulation?

You can pan the camera to view your scene from different perspectives, zoom to have a closer look at your robot, as it follows a line, moves through a maze or navigates in a complicated scene. 


Here is what you need to know:

While pointing with the cursor anywhere in the simulation, you can

Pan camera (Windows):

  • Right click and drag sideways to move the camera sideways
  • Right click and drag up/down to move the camera up/down

Pan camera (Mac OS):

  • Click and hold two fingers on your touchpad and slide sideways to move the camera sideways
  • Click and hold two fingers on your touchpad and slide up/down to move the camera up/down


  • Scroll Up to zoom in (use mouse wheel or swipe Down with 2 fingers on your touchpad)
  • Scroll Down to zoom out (use mouse wheel or swipe Up with 2 fingers on your touchpad)

See Also:

Explore Mode

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