Knowledge Base

CoderZ Not Loading

If for any reason CoderZ is not loading, here is what you can try:

  • Check internet connectivity
  • Restart browser
  • Hard reload and empty cache:


    1. Open the Chrome Developer Tools by pressing F12 or ctrl+shift+i on your keyboard.
    2. Once the Dev Tools panel is open on the side/bottom of your browser, refresh the browser by clicking the 'refresh' button or by pressing F5 on your keyboard
    3. Click and hold the refresh button for 3 seconds


    4. In the menu that opens, click Empty Cache and Hard Reload. refresh automatically.





      1. Hold ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button.
      2. Or, hold down ⌘ Cmd + ⇧ Shift key and then press R.

If all these fail, contact support

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